MacWorld 1997 August
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# EvoX - evolution in complex systems
# FILE: "smarterSource.tcl"
# created: 4/7/95 {1:44:01 pm}
# last update: 4/7/95 {1:46:55 pm}
# Author: Vince Darley
# E-mail: <mailto:vince@das.harvard.edu>
# mail: Division of Applied Sciences, Harvard University
# Oxford Street, Cambridge MA 02138, USA
# <http://www.das.harvard.edu/users/students/Vincent_Darley/>
# This file is part of the package "Vince's Additions".
# See its documentation for more details.
# Bug reports and feature requests - please email me.
# BASED UPON 'smartSource.tcl':
# Copyright 1994, Robert Browning (osiris@cs.utexas.edu): This code is made
# freely available to anyone who can find a use for it. Consider it part of my
# thanks to all those who have contributed to the freeware and shareware base.
# (Especially Pete Keheler, without which this code would be pretty useless).
# === Modifications by Vince, May 1995 ===
# This file implements a replacement source command. It is intended to help
# make the process of augmenting Alpha's code base with your own changes less
# awkward, especially in the face of program updates. It also makes it so
# that you no longer have to source files containing procedures that you want
# to override in your UserStartup file.
# Basically, you designate a directory (right now it has to be a directory
# named TclExtensions in the $HOME directory) to contain your files. Then
# anytime Alpha is instructed to source a file named filename.tcl, it will
# first look in the directory you have designated, and if there is a file of
# the identical name there (i.e. filename.extension) it will source that file
# instead of the original one specified. If there are any files named
# filename+*.extension it will source those in the order returned by glob after
# either the original filename.extension or the replacement has been sourced.
# For example, if your TclExtensions directory contains files named
# latex+1.tcl and latex+2.tcl, then whenever you try to open a latex file
# Alpha will first source the standard latex.tcl file, then latex+1.tcl, then
# latex+2.tcl. If there was also a file named latex.tcl in the TclExtensions
# directory then that file would be sourced in place of the standard
# latex.tcl, then latex+1.tcl, then latex+2.tcl.
# You may just want to use filename+.extension for a single extension file.
# Note that latex+10.tcl would be sourced _before_ latex+9.tcl, so you
# may wish to use latex+01.tcl ... latex+99.tcl to make things clearer.
# Fixes:
# 10/10/94: Fixed it to handle non .tcl file extensions.
# 01/05/95: Resent to Pete due to earlier transmission error that replaced
# + characters with * characters.
# To Do:
# What do you want?
# VMD May'95: <mailto:vince@das.harvard.edu>
# Changed default directory to the the alpha preferences directory.
# Changed extension to '+' rather than 'bullet' (option-8) because
# of ascii transmission problems - lots of people have a non-working
# version of this file.
# Passes through 'tclIndex' and 'prefs.tcl' unchanged.
# Renamed this file to 'smarterSource.tcl', originally just to differentiate
# it from the old crippled versions.
# IMPORTANT: Fixed the script so that it works with path names containing
# spaces.
# Now implements part of a new mode-specific preferences mechanism. Every
# Alpha mode should have a 'dummy${mode}' proc, which is called to ensure
# a particular mode's tcl files have been sourced. If such a file is
# sourced, smarterSource will subsequently source a file '${mode}Prefs.tcl'
# in the preferences directory, if it exists.
# See "modePrefs.tcl", for the other bits of the implementation.
set tclExtensionsDir "$PREFS"
if {!$skipPrefs && [file exists "${tclExtensionsDir}"]} {
if {![string length [info commands oldSource]]} {
rename source oldSource
proc source {filename} {
global tclExtensionsDir modeFiles PREFS
set justName [file tail "$filename"]
set overrideFile "${tclExtensionsDir}:${justName}"
# changed '#0' to '1'
if { $justName == "tclIndex" } { return [uplevel 1 oldSource \{$filename\} ] }
if { $justName == "prefs.tcl" } { return [uplevel #0 oldSource \{$filename\} ] }
if {[file exists $overrideFile]} {
set returnVal [uplevel #0 oldSource \{$overrideFile\} ]
} else {
set returnVal [uplevel #0 oldSource \{$filename\} ]
set baseName [string range ${justName} 0 \
[expr [string length ${justName}] - \
[string length [file extension ${justName}]] - 1]]
# Mode specific preferences stuff
if [array exists modeFiles] {
if { [lsearch [array names modeFiles] $justName] != -1 } {
foreach m $modeFiles($justName) {
set f "${PREFS}:${m}Prefs.tcl"
if [file exists "$f" ] {
set returnVal [uplevel #0 oldSource \{$f\} ]
set extensionFiles \
[glob -nocomplain \
"${tclExtensionsDir}:${baseName}+*[file extension ${justName}]"]
foreach extensionFile $extensionFiles {
set returnVal [uplevel #0 oldSource \{$extensionFile\} ]
return "$returnVal"